Python's new type hints in action... in JavaScript with Christopher Neugebauer

Presentation on samedi at 11:15 matin to 11:45 matin in Room 1160.

Depending on who you ask, PEP 484's Type Hints are either the next big thing in Python, or the harbinger of doom upon our entire community. Which is it?

Allowing optional static typing in Python will bring with it some benefits that other languages have had for years: IDEs will be able to do code completion better; a whole class of boring tests will fall out automatically; and some bugs will be easier to catch.

But this is also undeniably a huge change of direction: will it mean you have to substantially change your code style? Will Python's simple expressiveness suddenly become unattainable thanks to clumsy Java-style type declarations?

To show how PEP 484's Gradual Typing system works, we're going to look at TypeScript, a minimal implementation of Gradual Typing over JavaScript. We'll see how the type system works, and how it fits into the already thriving JavaScript developer community, where most people aren't using type hints at all.

We'll draw some parallels with how Python's implementation will work, and see what Python can learn from a language that has successfully made the jump to a type-hinted world.

Christopher Neugebauer Bio

Christopher is an programmer who lives in the Tasmanian city of Hobart. He currently works as an Android developer, which means his day job involves more Java than he would like. He is strongly interested in developing the Australian and International Python communities: he is director of 2017, a past convenor of PyCon Australia, a board member of Linux Australia, and has been a fellow of the Python Software Foundation since 2013.

In his spare time, he enjoys presenting on Mobile development at Open Source conferences, and presenting on Open Source development at Mobile conferences. Notably, he gave an invited presentation on the state of Mobile on Python at PyCon Canada 2013.